If you have ever registered for a BYU Continuing Education program (EFY, PowWow, Education Week, Dance Camps, etc.), you most likely have a BYU Continuing Education user ID. You may also call BYU Continuing Education’s registration office at 801-422-8925 (toll-free, 1-877-221-6716) to see if you have a BYU Continuing Education User ID.
Visit Manage My Continuing Education Information.
This link will take you to the log-in page. Below the log-in boxes are “Forgot User ID?” and “Forgot password?” links. Click on these to retrieve your BYU Continuing Education user ID and/or password. If you have any trouble with this process, call Registration at 801-422-8925 or toll-free 1-877-221-6716.
You may print a copy of the confirmation page when you finish registering. You can log into your account and print it, or request an electronic copy by calling Registration at 801-422-8925 or toll free 1-877-221-6716.
Monday–Friday (except holidays)
8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. mountain time
Harman Continuing Education Building
770 E University Pkwy
Provo UT 84602
BYU Habits for Life
253 HCEB
770 E University Pkwy
Provo UT 84602
BYU Habits for Life Registration
116 HCEB
770 E University Pkwy
Provo UT 84602
Local: 801-422-8925
Toll-free: 1-877-221-6716
Give to BYU Continuing Education
BYU Online High School
EFY and Youth Programs